Heated Discussion on Low-carbon Power Supply


Panel discussion @NRDC 

On April 28, NRDC held a workshop with the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University to discuss research on strategies and policies to guarantee low-carbon power supply under the dual carbon goals. Hosted by Dr. Boqiang Lin, Director of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy, the discussion included commentary from Shaozhong Huang (Head of the Carbon Neutrality Industry Collaboration Center at China Energy Research Society), Zhaoguang Hu (former Deputy Head of the Energy Research Institute at State Grid), Jiahai Yuan (Professor at North China Electric Power University), and Kevin Tu (President of Agora Energiewende, China) on how China can build a clean and efficient power system while ensuring power supply. The experts emphasized the need for both mid-term and long-term policy guidance for coal power development. Such policy guidance should focus on striking a balance between using coal power plants to meet power demand in the short term while avoiding building unnecessary coal plants that could become stranded assets for the future. Experts emphasized the need for greater focus on alternatives to coal power to strengthen energy security and meet increasing demand and peak loads, including demand response, improving grid dispatch and cross-province support, distributed renewables and storage. Key industry media and financial media covered the workshop. 
