Partnering with WRI: Launching Just Transition Project in Shandong


Shandong PV projects @NRDC&WRI

NRDC and WRI jointly launched a just transition project on June 19 in Jinan, Shandong Province. The partnership aims to help Shandong, one of the largest coal consuming provinces in China, to meet the “dual carbon” goals without compromising economic growth and energy security. The joint project will focus on energy, industry, social economic development, and finance to support the transition of carbon-intensive industries and to encourage the development of new low-carbon industry. At the project launch meeting, NRDC and WRI introduced the research background. Experts and representatives from the Energy Research Institute of the NDRC, National Energy Conservation Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, Shandong Economy and Technology Research Institute at State Grid, Shandong University, Shandong Academy of Macro-economic Research, and Shandong Academy of Sciences joined the discussion and provided suggestions on the joint project. After the meeting, NRDC, WRI and local partners joined a field trip to Zichuan and Gangcheng to meet with local stakeholders. 
