China-ASEAN Energy Storage Industry Summit: Sharing Research and Recommendations for Scaling Up Generation-Side Energy Storage


The "China-ASEAN Energy Storage Industry Summit," hosted by the China National Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA) as entrused by the National Energy Administration, was held in Beijing. The forum aimed to facilitate the exchange of opportunities, challenges, and prospects in the ASEAN energy storage market, and to enhance cooperation between China and ASEAN in energy storage. Representatives from the International Department and Technology Department of the National Energy Administration attended the forum. Representatives from the relevant government departments of ASEAN member states, the International Energy Agency, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and power companies also participated in the forum. 

During the afternoon session of the China-ASEAN energy storage technology and market cooperation exchange, CNESA introduced the findings from Research on Assessing the Comprehensive Value and Policy of Generation-Side Energy Storage under the Dual Carbon Goals – a joint research with NRDC. Based on an analysis of the application of generation-side energy storage both domestically and internationally, the research assessed the energy storage technologies for different power sources and the comprehensive value of generation-side energy storage. It also looked into the trends of generation-side energy storage development, surveyed the business models and market mechanisms for generation-side energy storage in key regions, and provided policy recommendations for scaling up development of generation-side energy storage to serve as references for policy makers in establishing incentive policies. 
