Accelerating the Development of Fujian TAC Pilot Plan


Fujian Province, the third province of China to launch a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) pilot for fisheries management,is developing a pilot plan scheduled for the review of Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and implementation upon approval. On January 8, NRDC facilitated a pilot proposal evaluation meeting in Xiamen that brought together fishery managers and law enforcement officials from MOA and local fishery bureaus, experts from Fujian provincial fisheries research institutes and universities, and third-party consultants from Ocean Outcomes and NFI Crab Council, to discuss the pilot plan to manage red swimming crab harvest. The group reviewed the current proposal and identified key challenges the pilot may face in monitoring and enforcement. Ocean Outcomes and NFI Crab Council provided information on the red swimming crab industry and resource availability from industry’s view. NRDC shared relevant international experiences and practices in fisheries co-managed with the industry and provided suggestions on the improvement of the proposal. 
